Oil of Noväe™

100% Pure Emu Oil


Oil of Noväe™ is pure Emu Oil scientifically extracted to be the highest quality, most effective oil currently available. The methods of extraction and filtration are they keys to the effectiveness and longevity of the product.

We have devoted a great deal of time & money in selecting creditable laboratories and developing a secret process which provides a perfect balance in sustaining the natural product while maintaining its effectiveness and longevity. Without preservatives or chemicals, our product supports a shelf life of up to five years.

Oil of Noväe™ is excellent for soothing muscle, joint and arthritis pain, outstanding for relieving burn pain and scarring.

Retail available in 1½ oz. bottles for $17.95
Also available in case lots, Quotes on an individual basis.
Private labeling acceptable.
Clean, quality, USDA process, Emu Fat available for quantity purchase by the pound. 20 pound minimum orders.

Contact info@emuenterprise.com or fill out our Order/Inquiry form for order information.

For studies on the uses and efficacy of Emu Oil click here.